While spending two weeks back at home I could finally relax and enjoy the summer weather. Sitting for hours in my garden, drinking strawberry smoothies and reading was my daily routine. I miss this already, now when I am back in Denmark, writing this post! This tart here was a result of a lazy afternoon spent with my mom and my grandma. With 30 degrees outside, we were sitting in my grandma's backyard, chatting and breathing in the hot but still fresh summer breeze.
The institution of a grandma in Poland is very special I must mention. A grandma is almost always the most important person in the family, who with all her experience can advise everyone on everything. Or at least she is very much convinced about it. But most importantly a grandma will NEVER let her kids, grandkids, friends or even strangers walk away without forcing them to eat a full meal, huge dessert and to drink a cup of tea. And a cup of tea can never be drunk alone... you need a piece of cake to it, or two pieces, or three. "Look at you! You are way too skinny!" And there is no way out, no excuse. But the truth is, no matter what grandma prepares, it tastes amazing. So even if you are not hungry, you would eat it all.
Sitting and chatting, I started to look around and I noticed these beauties. The watchful grandma's eye immediately spotted my interest and 2 minutes after she handed me over the two big jars so that I could fill them in with the redcurrants. And so I did, so now it was the time to think about what I could do with them. My mom came up with an idea to bake a tart, so once we got home we heated up the oven and less than an hour later we enjoyed this delicious tart, sitting in the garden (again!).
Pastry (for approximately 20 x 30 cm tart)
110 g rice flour
20 g amaranth flour
20 g potato flour
110 g butter (lactose free)
60 ml of cold water
(Any kind of fruit could be used in any amount to be honest)
I used:
1 liter jar of redcurrants
a couple of blackcurrants
a couple of raspberries
2-3 teaspoons of cane sugar
3-5 spoons of honey
1. Heat up the oven to 180 degrees.
2. First add all ingredients for the pastry and mix them together in a bowl. Knead until the batter gets smooth.
3. Cover a baking form (of any kind) with baking paper and put the batter on it. You could roll it out on the baking paper, I just spread it quickly with my hands and shaped into a rectangular. Not to lose too much of the juice from the fruit later on, I marked the edges and raised them a little.
4. Puncture the pastry with a fork and put in the fridge for around 30 minutes. After that, bake it for 10 minutes.
5. In the meantime, put the redcurrants in a bowl, add some cane sugar and 4-5 spoons of honey. The redcurrants are rather sour, so it really is necessary. Mixt it together and put aside.
6. After 10 minutes of baking take out the pastry and cover it with the redcurrants, add other fruit as well and put again in the oven for the next 15-20 minutes.
7. Serve hot or cold, in both cases it tastes amazing.
(The photos were taken with my phone, so unfortunately the quality of them is not really good, but I could not resist posting them anyway)
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